Mini Egg Martini Cocktail Recipe

The Mini Egg Martini is a luxurious blend of smooth vanilla vodka, creamy white chocolate liqueur, and rich cream, topped with adorable mini chocolate eggs for a touch of sweetness and whimsy. Sipping this indulgent cocktail feels like a decadent treat, making it the perfect choice for Easter celebrations or any occasion where you want to add a dash of elegance and fun to your drinks menu.

Full Recipe Below...


  1. Begin by melting the milk chocolate and rimming the martini glasses with it. Dip the rims into crushed Mini Eggs for garnish.
  2. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine the Irish Cream, Hazelnut Liqueur, Creme De Cacao White Liqueur, and Almond Milk.
  3. Shake well until chilled.
  4. Strain the mixture into the prepared martini glasses.
  5. Garnish each cocktail with a Mini Egg.
  6. Serve and enjoy your delicious Mini Egg Martini cocktail, a delightful treat for any occasion!